Salawãt and Salãm. With 99 Names of سبحانه و تعال ى. upon 99 Attributes of صىل الله عليه و سلم. by Hazrat Shaykhul-Hadith Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib

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1 Salawãt and Salãm With 99 Names of سبحانه و تعال ى upon 99 Attributes of م د م ح صىل الله عليه و سلم by Hazrat Shaykhul-Hadith Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib Distinguished Khalifah of Hazrat Shaykhul-Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Sahib Rahmatullahi Alayhi

2 الرحيم الرحمن الله بسم م ح م د ن ا ي د س ل ي و ال م ر س ن ب ي اء ال خ ات م ع ل ى م ل و الس ة ل و الص ال ع ا ل م ي ر ب ل ل ه ا ل ح م د أ ج م ع ي ح ب ه و ص آل ه و ع ل لي ام ت س ل م و ا و س ع ل ي ه ل و ا ص آم ن وا ال ذين أ ي ه ا ي آ الن ب ي ع ل ل و ن ي ص ئ ك ت ه و م ل الل ه إ ن He is Allah, apart from whom there is no deity. 1. O Compassionate! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, who is clear proof of your mercy. 2.O Merciful! Shower paragon of character and form. 3.O Sovereign! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, pious and chaste. 4.O Holy! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, purified and sanctified. 5. O Giver of Peace! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, calm and composed. 6. O Bestower of Faith! Shower dedicated proclaimer of truth. 7. O Guardian! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, who made the practising of religion easy. 8 O Mighty! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, eloquent in address. 9. O Overpowering! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, elite guide and tutor. 10 O Self-Glorious! Shower expression of deep humility. 11. O Creator! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, first in creation, foremost in rank. 12. O Evolver! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, most excellent. 13 O Bestower of Forms! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, essence of wise counsel. 14. O Most Forgiving! Shower who remains ever so grateful. ه و إ ل إ ل ه ل ي ال ذ الل ه ه و ه ان ال ب الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ر ح م ن ي ا ) ١ ( يم ال و س الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ر ح يم ي ا ) ٢ ( ال و ر ع الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ل ك ي ا ) ٣ ( س ال م ق د الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص وس ق د ي ا ) ٤ ( م ان ال الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ل س ي ا ) ٥ ( ال م ع ل ن الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ؤ م ن ي ا ) ٦ ( ال م ي س الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ه ي م ن ي ا ) ٧ ( ال م ب ني الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ع ز يز ي ا ) ٨ ( ال م خ ت ار الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ج ب ار ي ا ) ٩ ( ع ال م ت ض الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ت ك ب ي ا ) ١٠ ( اب ق الس الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص خ ال ق ي ا ) ١١ ( ال ب ار ع الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ب ار ئ ي ا ) ١٢ ( ال م ذ ك ر الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص و ر م ص ي ا ) ١٣ ( ك ار الش الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص غ ف ار ي ا ) ١٤ (

3 15. O Dominant! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, fervent in your remembrance. 16. O Bestower! Shower over awed by his Lord. 17. O Provider! Shower surpassing in generosity. 18. O Remover of Difficulties! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, humane and sensitive. 19. O Allah Knowing! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, strong pillar of forbearance. 20. O Constraining! Shower sincere distributor of Divine favours. 21. O Extender of Provisions! Shower Summoned witness on Judgement Day. 22. O Abaser! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, honoured with intercession. 23. O Exalter! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, eradicator of wrong and evil. 24. O Honourer! Shower aid and assistance for humanity. 25. O Giver of Disgrace! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, eradicator of wrong and evil. 26. O All Hearing! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, sole interceder for mankind. 27. O All seeing! Shower imparter of glad tidings. 28. O Maker of Immutable Judgements! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, Most Noble. 29. O Just! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, refulgent moon. 30. O Knower of innermost Secrets! Prophet, steadfast on truth, aloof from falsehood. 31. O All Aware! Shower Peace and ble ssings upon the Prophet, forewarner of consequences. 32 O Clement! Shower a cascade of wisdom. 33. O Grand! Shower ) ١٥ ( ي ا ق ه ار ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الذ ك ار ) ١٦ ( ي ا و ه اب ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الر ه اب ) ١٧ ( ي ا ر ز اق ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ج و اد ) ١٨ ( ي ا ف ت اح ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال و اه ) ١٩ ( ي ا ع ل يم ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ح ل يم ) ٢٠ ( ي ا ق اب ض ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ق اس م ) ٢١ ( ي ا ب اس ط ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الش اه د ) ٢٢ ( ي ا خ اف ض ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال و اض ع ) ٢٣ ( ي ا ر اف ع ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الش اف ع ) ٢٤ ( ي ا م ع ز ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال م ع ني ) ٢٥ ( ي ا م ذ ل ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال م ز يل ) ٢٦ ( ي ا س م يع ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الش ف يع ) ٢٧ ( ي ا ب ص ري ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ب ش ري ) ٢٨ ( ي ا ح ك م ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ك ر م ) ٢٩ ( ي ا ع د ل ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ب د ر ) ٣٠ ( ي ا ل ط يف ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ح ن يف ) ٣١ ( ي ا خ ب ري ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الن ذي ر ) ٣٢ ( ي ا ح ل يم ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الح ك يم ) ٣٣ ( ي ا ع ظ يم ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ك ر يم

4 open hand of benevolence and charity. 34. O Forgiving! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, victorious in aim. 35. O Appreciative! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, symbol of purity and chastity. 36.O Most High! Prophet, intensely fearful. 37. O Great! Prophet, abundantly remunerated. 38. O Protector! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, most beloved. 39. O Sustainer! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, principle founder of religion. 40. O Reckoner! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, spiritually attached to his Lord. 41. O Majestic! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, intimate befriender of the Divine. 42. O Benevolent! Shower glowing with compassion and warmth. 43. O Watchful! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, treasured jewel. 44. O Answerer of Prayer! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, who earnestly turns to his Lord. 45. O All-Embracing! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, deeply fearful of his Master. 46. O Wise! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, at the helm of all prophetic responsibility. 47. O Most Loving! Prophet, observer of devoted vigil. 48. O Most Venerable! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, heir of all fortune. 49. O Resurrector the Dead! Shower inclined towards righteousness. 50. O Omnipresent! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, guiding light. 51. O the Truth! Shower Peace and ) ٣٤ ( ي ا غ ف ور ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الظ ف ور ) ٣٥ ( ي ا ش ك ور ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الط ه ور ) ٣٦ ( ي ا ع ل ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الت ق ي ) ٣٧ ( ي ا ك ب ري ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ج ري ) ٣٨ ( ي ا ح ف يظ ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ع ز يز ) ٣٩ ( ي ا م ق يت ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال م ق يم ) ٤٠ ( ي ا ح س يب ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الن س يب ) ٤١ ( ي ا ج ل يل ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال خ ل يل ) ٤٢ ( ي ا ك ر يم ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الر ح يم ) ٤٣ ( ي ا ر ق يب ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ح ب يب ) ٤٤ ( ي ا م ج يب ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال م ن يب ) ٤٥ ( ي ا و اس ع ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال خ اش ع ) ٤٦ ( ي ا ح ك يم ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الز ع يم ) ٤٧ ( ي ا و د ود ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ه ج ود ) ٤٨ ( ي ا م ج يد ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الس ع يد ) ٤٩ ( ي ا ب اع ث ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الر اغ ب ) ٥٠ ( ي ا ش ه يد ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي الر ش يد ) ٥١ ( ي ا ح ق ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ص د ق ) ٥٢ ( ي ا و ك يل ص ل و س ل م ع ل الن ب ي ال ج ل يل

5 Blessings upon the Prophet, distinction of honesty. 52. O Provident! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, most eminent. 53. O Almighty! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, earnest companion. 54. O Invincible! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, marked in loyalty. 55. O Patron! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, most devoted. 56. Praiseworthy! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, incessantly striving for justice. 57. O Recorder! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, summit of exaltation. 58. O Originator! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, illustrious teacher of the Quran. 59. O Recreator! Prophet, distinguished of men. 60. O Giver of Life! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, unlettered tutor of mankind. 61. O Giver of Death! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, illuminator of darkened hearts. 62. O Ever Living! Shower Peace and 63. O Sustainer! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, divinely aided. 64. O All Perfect! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, fair warner of success and failure. Blessings upon the Prophet, upholder of morality. 65. O Magnificent! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, ardently engaged in worship. 66. O Unique! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, leader in virtue. 67. O One! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, resplendent moon. 68. O Independent! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, akin to mankind. 69. O All Powerful! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, soulfully thankful. 70. O All Determiner! Shower the moderate path-taker. 71. O Cause of Advancement! Shower Peace and Blessings ف ي الص الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ق و ي ي ا ) ٥٣ ( م ني ال الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ت ني ي ا ) ٥٤ ( ال و ف الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص و ل ي ا ) ٥٥ ( د يد الس الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ح م يد ي ا ) ٥٦ ( ال م ع ل الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ح ص ي ا ) ٥٧ ( ال م ق ر ئ الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ب د ئ ي ا ) ٥٨ ( ال م ح يد الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ع يد ي ا ) ٥٩ ( م ي ال الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ح ي ي ي ا ) ٦٠ ( ال م ن ري الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م م يت ي ا ) ٦١ ( ال خ ري الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ح ي ي ا ) ٦٢ ( ور ال م ن ص الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ق ي وم ي ا ) ٦٣ ( ال و اع د الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص د و اج ي ا ) ٦٤ ( ال ع اب د الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص د م اج ي ا ) ٦٥ ( ال ق ائ د الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص و اح د ي ا ) ٦٦ ( ال ق م ر الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص أ ح د ي ا ) ٦٧ ( ال ب ش الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م د ص ي ا ) ٦٨ ( اك ر الش الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ق اد ر ي ا ) ٦٩ ( الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ق ت د ر ي ا ) ٧٠ ( د ال م ق ت ص

6 upon the Prophet, at the forefront in every noble field. 72. O Adjourner Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, conveyer of glad tidings. 73. O First! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, unparalleled in beauty. 74. O Last! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, enveloped in remembrance. 75. O Manifest! Shower possessor of lustrous complexion. 76 O Hidden! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, establisher of peace and order 77. O Exerciser of Power! Shower fervent in hope from his Lord. 78. O Exalted! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, supporter of the needy. 79. O Good Lord! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, an ocean of benevolence. 80. O Acceptor of Repentance! Prophet, educator of true praise. 81. O Gracious Taker of Retribution! Prophet, solemnly weeping in fear. 82. O Pardoner! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, remembered by all. 83. O Affectionate! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, kindly benefactor. 84. O Possessor of All Sovereignty! Prophet, torchbearer of praise and glory. 85. O Majestic and Benevolent! Shower guide and counsel. 86. O Equitable! Shower Peace and Blessing upon the Prophet, single reformer of the unwieldy world. 87. O Assembler! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, meek and resigned in prostration. 88. O Independent! Shower open handed and bountiful. 89. O Enricher! م ال م ق د الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م م ق د ي ا ) ٧١ ( ال م ب ش الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ؤ خ ر ي ا ) ٧٢ ( ج م ل ال الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص أ و ل ي ا ) ٧٣ ( الذ اك ر الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص آخ ر ي ا ) ٧٤ ( الز اه ر الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ظ اه ر ي ا ) ٧٥ ( م ن ال الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ن ب اط ي ا ) ٧٦ ( ي الر اج الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص و ال ي ا ) ٧٧ ( الت ال الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ت ع ال ي ا ) ٧٨ ( ال ب حر الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ب ر ي ا ) ٧٩ ( د ال ح م الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ت و اب ي ا ) ٨٠ ( ال م ب ت ه ل الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ن ت ق م ي ا ) ٨١ ( ال م ت ل و الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ع ف و ي ا ) ٨٢ ( ال ع ط وف الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ر ء وف ي ا ) ٨٣ ( الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ال م ل ك م ال ك ي ا ) ٨٤ ( ال ح م د ل و اء ح ام ل ل ع ل م و س ل ص ك ر ام و ال ل ال ج ل ذ ا ي ا ) ٨٥ ( م و ال ه م ال ه دى الن ب ي ل ح ال م ص الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ط م ق س ي ا ) ٨٦ ( ع ال خ اض الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ج ام ع ي ا ) ٨٧ (

7 Prophet, shepherding towards the truth. 90. O Preventer! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, the instructor of Law. 91. O Causer of Distress and Sorrow! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, sufficient for his people. 92. O Benefactor! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, mentor of virtue. 93. O Light! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, soul of piety and truth. 94. O Guide! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, man of remedy. 95. O Originator! Shower ray of light. 96. O Eternal! Shower Peace and Blessings upon the Prophet, abolisher of wrong and evil. 97. O Inheritor! Prophet, the supreme and dominant. 98. O Guider Towards Virtue! Shower aide in austerity. 99. O Forbearing! Prophet, realm of gratitude. خ ي الس الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص غ ن ي ي ا ) ٨٨ ( ال م ه د ي الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م غ ن ي ي ا ) ٨٩ ( ار ع الش الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص م ان ع ي ا ) ٩٠ ( ال ك اف الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ار ض ي ا ) ٩١ ( ال ح الص الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ن اف ع ي ا ) ٩٢ ( الر وح الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ن ور ي ا ) ٩٣ ( اف الش الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ه اد ي ي ا ) ٩٤ ( ال ب ه ي الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ب د يع ي ا ) ٩٥ ( ح ي ال م الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ب اق ي ي ا ) ٩٦ ( ال غ ال ب الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص و ار ث ي ا ) ٩٧ ( يد الن ج الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص يد ر ش ي ا ) ٩٨ ( ك ور الش الن ب ي ع ل ل م و س ل ص ب ور ص ي ا ) ٩٩ ( O Allāh Send salāt salam on the Prophet Muhammad the Pure, son of the Pure father, son of the Pure mother and upon his family and companions. Ameen الله يا م ح م د الن ب ي ع ىل ل م و س ل ص الط اه ر ة اب ن الط اه ر اب ن الط اه ر آمني ح اب ه ا ص و ا ل ه ع ىل و

8 Note: This foreward for this online version of this book is placed here at the end for easier online reading on a Mobile Phone/PC/Tablet About this work: Foreward By The Compiler Hazrat Shaykhul-Hadith Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib Distinguished Khalifah of Hazrat Shaykhul-Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Sahib Rahmatullahi Alayhi In the Name of Allah, the most compassionate, the Most Merciful. All praises be to Allah, Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings upon the leader of all the prophets, the leader of the God fearing, the master of those whose faces will be shining on the day of Judgement, and peace upon all his descendents and companions. Thereafter, the fervour and states of individuals arriving at the auspicious grave of the leader of both the worlds, pride of the universe, the best being to have walked upon the earth at anytime, mercy of both worlds Sallallahu alayhi wassalam, can be witnessed to be varying. Some, after presenting the renowned words of Salaat o' Salaam (peace and blessings) in respect and fear, remain silent, stunned. Silence is a sign of true love. How can speaking in the presence of the beloved be beneficial. Others, with difficulty try to control their trembling feet and string couplets full of deep love culminating into strings of tears rolling down their cheeks. Your glance, O Prophet! Your glance. If not constantly at least occasionally. The Salaat 'o' Salaam narrated from the Sahabah radiallahu anhum are very few. Thus the choice of words adopted by the scholars following the Sahabah radiyallah anhum are mostly recited. These collections comprise of rhymes and rhythmical patterns which increase the desire and the yearning of the reader. It also becomes a means of fluent recitation and makes it easier for memorisation.

9 The Salaat 'o' Salaam compiled in this small booklet are based upon the ninety-nine names of Allah known as Asma-e-Husna regarding which the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wassalam says, Allah has ninety nine names whosoever memorises them will enter paradise {Sahi Bukhari}. The blessed attributes and names of the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam which have been narrated by the scholars, mashaaikh and authors of seerah, have been presented alongside Asma-e-Husna in this booklet. More than sixty blessed attributes of the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam have been taken from Allam a Sakhawee's book Al-Qawlul Badee and the remainder from other Islamic texts. Whenever the blessed name of the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam could not be matched in rhyme with Allah's blessed names then an attribute was not formed by me but rather the rhythmical pattern was discontinued. For some time I had been reciting these words of Salaat 'o' Salaam so when some of the pious acclaimed them and added words of encouragement I thought that if this collection of Salaat o' Salaam was to be published then it would be easier to present as gift to those interested. This was the cause of this book being published.. I would like to give a few words of advice regarding this booklet: 1. You will not only be rewarded for the recitation of Salaat 'o' Salaam but there is also a separate reward for the recitation of Asma-e-Husna. 2. Through the frequent recitation of this collection, Asma-e- Husna can be memorised regarding which encouragement has been narrated. 3. Frequent recitation of the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alyhi Wasallam's blessed attributes increases respect and love for the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam, which is an Islamic requirement. 4. There are some attributes of the Holy Prophet Sallahu Alayhi Wasallam, which are also found among the Asma-e-Husna. No polytheistic association with the attributes of Allah should be suspected because, where 'compassionate' (Raheem) and `affectionate`(rauf) are from Asmsa-e-Husna they have also been ascribed to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam in the Holy Qur'an. Almighty Allah says, compassionate, affectionate to the believers. {9:128} On the contrary some attributes of Allah have even been used in conjunction with

10 others besides Allah in both the Quran and Hadith. Allah says verily, we have created man from Nutfah, drops of mixed semen (discharge of men and women), in order to try him, so We made him Samee (hearing), Baseer (seeing). {76:2} In this verse, every human being is referred to as Samee' and Baseer' although these are from among the seven core attributes of Allah. It should beremembered that when theses attributes are ascribed to Allah the belief should be that these are Allah's natural attributes, and when these attributes are used to characterise the creation then it is necessary to believe that these attributes are not innate but are God given. Furthermore, the blessed attributes mentioned here are solely supplications for the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, which negates the association of attributes with Allah. May Almighty Allah, grace the compiler, the publisher and the readers with favours and blessings of Salaat o' Salaam and may He make it the means of increase nearness and love for the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. There is no specific time for the recitation of the collection, it may be recited before or after Fajar or Maghrib Sallah, before the recitation of the Quran or before supplication for any need. May Allah's blessings be upon our Master Muhamad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, his descendants and his companions. Acknowledgement : With Dua's thanks and gratitude to for allowing this book to be reproduced. aliya publications Aliya Publications

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